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American War Cemetery

Max's Biography

Max Southworth-Beckwith

Republican Candidate 

Max is a Conservative, Constitutional Libertarian running on the Republican ticket for North Carolina's 7th Congressional District. He is a red-blooded, blue-collar worker who knows what it is like to be impoverished and what it takes to get back on track. In 2009, Max decided to join the family business, but that business was not what most people would think. Max joined the Marine Corps, making him an 8th generation Marine. Besides the Marines, his family members consist of men and women who have served in the Army, Air Force and Navy, truly the embodiment of a family of warriors that stood up and served their country every time the United States called.


Max was a 1371 Combat Engineer and served two combat tours in Afghanistan. After leaving active duty in 2013, Max made the difficult transition back to civilian life and contemplated his future. He moved to North Carolina in 2014 and attended online classes at American Military University. While attending school full time, he started up a small handyman/remodeling business in Wilmington and met his lovely wife, Michelle. On top of contending with an accelerated school semester schedule, earning 20-24 credits per eight-week semester, and working 50-60 hours a week, his business took him to challenging locations that other contractors refused to service. It was in those areas that Max came to understand the need for change.


Specifically, Max performed quality work at low prices to help lower income families repair and restore their homes after years of storm damage. Home renovations were implemented, enabling homeowners to finally obtain replacement cost insurance policies that had been previously denied. â€‹At the end of 2019, Max closed his small business and went to work for a federal contracting company, working on pre-construction and assessing estimates for multimillion dollar projects internationally and domestically. In doing so, he saw the massive wasteful spending across this country that was running rampant due to poor governmental oversight and procedures. â€‹Most recently, Max was a Project Manager for a General Contractor working on the North Carolina Re-Build Program. This program focused on helping low-income and minority homeowners rehab or rebuild their homes that had been damaged during hurricanes or natural disasters.


With the shutdown due to COVID-19, Max has seen how former President Trump's economic policies benefited the country and enabled the success of the Republicans in North Carolina. The necessity to balance the budget led to a surplus in North Carolina's rainy-day-fund, which translated to a benefit for all constituents in a time of need.​ Despite the Trump successes, in came Joe Biden. President Biden has destroyed and rolled back all of the achievements made in the last four years.


Biden and the tax-and-spend Democrats in Congress need to be held in check, stop wasting our tax dollars, and stop driving up inflation. These negative consequences are felt much more by lower income families and those who live paycheck-to-paycheck. But it is not just the Democrats we need to rein in. Republicans in Name Only, more commonly referred to as RINOs, have shown their true colors these past few years but specifically in the last year. The time has come for a new generation of young professional veterans to be elected and provide fresh ideas and solutions to problems plaguing our nation, because we and our children will be the ones paying the price if we do not take action.


We are facing multi-unparalleled crises all at once this year: Instability in Afghanistan, waves of illegals flooding over our southern border, the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the impending threat from China, Pakistan, and Iran. All of these disasters can be directly linked to President Biden, his administration, the far-left progressive Democrats, and RINO Republicans' ineptness; and, in Max's opinion, treasonous actions and behaviors. It is now or never to elect a veteran, a husband, and a man of honor and integrity to be your next representative.


Now is the time to take a stand against these corrupt politicians, and their harmful and illogical policies and take back our country. America First is not just a populist movement; it is an ideal held in the hearts of every veteran and patriot in this great nation. A stronger United States means a stronger and safer world, and that formerly-held status will not be achieved under a Democrat administration or Democrat representation. Max will fight to secure our country, secure our border, reduce the size of the federal government, and level the playing field for all parties, serving equally all constituencies. To do this, Max needs your vote on May 17th, 2022, to unseat a RINO incumbent in the Republican Primary.

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